Member-only story
The Journey of Radical Acceptance

I consider radical acceptance the foundation for experiences related to being human. Within my mindfulness practice, I have observed that radical acceptance is at the center of conscious fluidity and movement through the world and the cultivation of my mindfulness practice. Noticing, and becoming aware, of this is best developed within self-care practices that recognize how little we can control. My favorite Buddhist monk Thic Nhat Han, says, relax we are in control of nothing. In counseling and psychotherapy, we work to trust the process of cultivating radical acceptance is to end suffering; a very inconvenient truth at times, particularly when we are working to radically accept painful truths.
Breath-in breath-out
One moment at a time.

Radical Acceptance within a Mindfulness Framework
Radical Acceptance, a core principle within mindfulness and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the practice of fully and completely accepting reality, including our emotions, as they are. By integrating Radical Acceptance into one’s life, there’s potential for improved emotional…