Member-only story
The authentic self: Staying in touch with ‘integrated self’ in a system that works toward dissociation.

It can be hard to stay in touch and balanced living in a world that encourages disconnection and dissociation. I really do not believe in “free will”. It is clear that systems policies produce our behavior and our thoughts if we do not observe them on a regular basis through mindfulness or other contemplative practices. How we will be ever change then?
Perhaps the story is already written but here are ways I connect with my most authentic self; a truly radical act:
- Learning. Learning reminds me of my humanness and give me those dopamine hits that help create prosocial behaviors in my daily life. It makes me feel FANTASTIC. I can’t really explain — perhaps its a stim, or way to self sooth, but nothing gives me more life force energy then learning.
- Any art — music, dance, visual creation — it doesn’t matter the form, making art brings into my humanness. All societies’ since the beginning of time create — this moment and meaning making exercise is critical to “being” within a balanced conscious state.
- Storytelling — watching tv, reading, listening to a podcast — focusing on the present moment brings me into integration with a state of “being”.
- Love — real connection. There…