Feminist in cell block y

The Feminist in Cell Block Y is a CNN documentary that to me as a counselor and counselor educator, demonstrates the kind of unlearning necessary to help change systems of oppression. It focuses on a unique inmate-led program inside a California maximum-security prison. The documentary highlights Richie Reseda, an inmate serving a sentence for armed robbery, who starts a feminist group called “Success Stories” in the prison.
This group challenges the inmates to critically examine issues such as toxic masculinity, patriarchy, and the ways these concepts shape their views and experiences. The documentary presents a deep look into how engaging with feminist theory and rethinking traditional gender roles can lead to personal transformation, even within the confines of a prison.
It’s a compelling example of how exposure to new ideas and self-reflection can foster empathy and personal growth in unlikely settings. The documentary garnered attention for its unique approach to rehabilitation and its exploration of how concepts of masculinity and femininity impact the lives of those in the prison system. The story of “The Feminist on Cellblock Y” aligns well with the idea that learning about and engaging with different perspectives can promote empathy and understanding.
Link to documentary: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2018/04/18/the-feminist-on-cellblock-y-doc-orig.cnn
Listen to the story of self awareness and listen for how it unfolds for the students — this is how deep learning occurs.